
Use of cookies on our website

During your visit to our website, cookies are placed on your computer or mobile device. 

Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. You cannot refuse these cookies. We use other cookies for analysis purposes and are only placed with your permission. 

Because cookies are personal data, their processing is governed by our privacy statement. The processing of essential cookies is based on our legitimate interest, since these cookies are required for the proper functioning and security of our website. The other cookies will not be placed unless you have given your permission. 

We use this cookie statement to inform you about the use of cookies.

What are cookies

Cookies are small files or pieces of information that can be stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit websites. These files store information, such as your browser type, your language preference or your geographical location. On a subsequent visit to our website, the information collected in the cookie is sent back to our servers. For example, your language preference is remembered, which ultimately benefits your surfing experience.

Which cookies are used on our website?

Performance cookies (3)

This type of cookie collects information about how our website is used and allows us to improve functionalities and performances. The data stored by these cookies never shows personal data on the basis of which an individual identity can be established.

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_ga / First-party (*) 2 years
This cookie is used by Google Universal Analytics to form a general overview of the number of page visits, unique visitors, sessions and campaign data. A randomly generated ID is used.
_gid / First-party 1 day This cookie is used by Google Universal Analytics to track the number of page visits.
_gat / First-party 48 seconds This cookie is also linked to Google Universal Analytics and is used according to documentation to slow down the request speed, limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites.

(*) 'First party cookies' are those cookies that are placed by a website that is currently being visited by the user (e.g. cookies placed by They differ from so-called 'third-party cookies', which are cookies that are placed by a domain name other than that of the website visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a third party places a cookie via that website, this is a third-party cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Google, Twitter and Facebook).

Targeting cookies (2)

This type of coockie registers your visit to the website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed.

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
PHPSESSID / First-party Session

The PHPSESSID cookie is inherent to PHP (= scripting language, which is intended to create dynamic web pages on web servers) and allows websites to store serialized status data. It is used to set up a user session and to transmit status information via a temporary cookie, which is commonly referred to as a session cookie. Since the PHPSESSID cookie has no temporary expiration date, it disappears when the client is closed.

consentCookie / First-party 1 year With a consent cookie, your consent or refusal to use analytical cookies is recorded.

Managing cookies: how and where?

If you have given your permission to place non-essential cookies, you can withdraw this permission at any time via the cookie settings. When cookies are placed for a longer period than your visit to our website, you always have the option to delete these cookies. This can be done via the settings in your browser. You can find out how to delete cookies via the links below:


If you have questions and / or comments about this cookie statement or about the use of cookies on our website, you can always contact us via:

Transfluvia Nv
Transportcentrum LAR K20
8930 Menen, 


This cookie statement was last updated on March 12, 2020.